Friday, January 1, 2016

Review: The Dorito Effect: The Surprising New Truth About Food and Flavor

The Dorito Effect: The Surprising New Truth About Food and Flavor The Dorito Effect: The Surprising New Truth About Food and Flavor by Mark Schatzker
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I really do enjoy reading these type of books - extensive research with a hint of anecdotal evidence sprinkled throughout the narrative. In essence, The Dorito Effect outlines one of the major causes of the obesity epidemic throughout the world; and unlike traditional books that focus on what you should and shouldn't eat, how to modify your diet to lose weight within 10 days, etc, etc, this book provides very progressive research detailing the behind the recent lack of interest in foods that are supposed to be good for you: loss of flavor.

This is the first time someone has proposed this idea and I have to admit that I was pretty skeptical in chapter 1. However, with the evidence and research provided from multiple journal publications, I am convinced of the problem at the end of the book. As a chemical engineer who is frequently exposed to companies that engineer flavors in food such as Monsanto, this book further affirmed my determination to avoid pursuing a career these companies' research and development sector.

What I enjoyed the most about this book was actually the ending. Right when you hit the lowest point of optimism for the future of food, the author provides examples of how The Dorito Effect can be remedied. Even though companies and producers need to incorporate flavor as a major selling point, individuals must also take the initiative to express concerns regarding the flavor of their food (in the end, it really comes down to whether you are willing to sacrifice higher costs for higher quality).

Overall, I really enjoyed this book. I believe everyone should read it once and be more self-aware about what they are feeding themselves and their children to rectify the increasingly deadly health problem throughout the world.

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