Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Review: Hamilton: The Revolution

Hamilton: The Revolution Hamilton: The Revolution by Lin-Manuel Miranda
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

WOW! This book was so spectacular that it left my speechless after I finished it (at 3 am in the morning).

First of all, the book is beautifully made. The photos on each of the pages display the enormity of the project and how everybody in both the production and cast was involved in spinning Lin's story together. I actually really REALLY liked the layout of the book and how it was designed like an archaic 1800's document. Ahhhhh!!! So great!

Even though I thoroughly enjoyed Lin's annotations and thoughts on all the songs in the musical, Jeremy McCarter's essays absolutely destroyed me. I think he really brought another dimension to all of the cast and production members. I cried so much from reading Oskar's tragedy while listening to "Stay Alive" that I couldn't even see the words on the pages clearly. I also really appreciated how much Lin formulated the ending to focus on how Eliza took over in spreading and developing Alexander Hamilton's legacies. She really took a step from just being known as one of the Schuyler sisters/Angelica's sister and grow into her own person with her own set of accomplishments, which is very progressive for her time period.

This book is incredible, stunning, and brilliantly created. Go and read it now!

Overall rating: 5 Stars

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